Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.
Agenda Item
OSR-1 25-0107 Second Reading - Quasi-Judicial Ordinance Rezoning from Residential Multifamily Mid Rise Medium High Density (RMM-25) District to Northwest Regional Activity Center- Mixed Use West (NWRAC-MUw) District - 500 - 538 NW 9th Avenue and 537 NW 8th Avenue - Applicant: 6th on Powerline, LLC. - Case No. UDP-Z24010 - (Commission District 3)
Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.
Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.
Agenda Item
OSR-1 25-0107 Second Reading - Quasi-Judicial Ordinance Rezoning from Residential Multifamily Mid Rise Medium High Density (RMM-25) District to Northwest Regional Activity Center- Mixed Use West (NWRAC-MUw) District - 500 - 538 NW 9th Avenue and 537 NW 8th Avenue - Applicant: 6th on Powerline, LLC. - Case No. UDP-Z24010 - (Commission District 3) Anyone wishing to speak must be sworn in. The Commission will announce any site visits, communications or expert opinions received and make them part of the record.