Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.
Agenda Item
CR-2 25-0098 Resolution Waiving the Formal Bid Requirements of City Code Section 2-181, Waiving the Requirement to Restrict the use of SHIP Funds Under the Rental Development Strategy for "Gap" Financing, and Waiving the Requirement for a Minimum Contribution From the Participant Under the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP), and Approving an Award of $278,600 to Fort Lauderdale Community Development Corporation Under State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program - (Commission District 3)
Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.
Agenda Item
CR-2 25-0098 Resolution Waiving the Formal Bid Requirements of City Code Section 2-181, Waiving the Requirement to Restrict the use of SHIP Funds Under the Rental Development Strategy for "Gap" Financing, and Waiving the Requirement for a Minimum Contribution From the Participant Under the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP), and Approving an Award of $278,600 to Fort Lauderdale Community Development Corporation Under State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program - (Commission District 3)