Agenda Item
***The meeting shall commence at 2:30 PM or as soon thereafter as possible***
If any person wishes to address the Board, the person shall sign up in Broward Center for the Performing Arts - Mary N Porter Riverview Ballroom lobby. A member of the City Clerk's Office Staff will be there to assist. Speaker Cards are given to the Chair. After being recognized by the Chair, the speaker should identify the agenda item in question, indicate support, opposition, or neutrality on the agenda item, and then proceed to succinctly state the speaker's position or present information.
If an attorney, or any other person appears before the Board in a representative capacity, the attorney, or other representative the person shall sign up in Broward Center for the Performing Arts - Mary N Porter Riverview Ballroom lobby. A member of the City Clerk's Office Staff will be there to assist. After being recognized by the Chair, the speaker should identify the client(s) being represented, and identify the agenda item in question. The speaker shall then indicate the client's support, opposition, or neutrality on the agenda item and then proceed to succinctly state the client's position or present information on behalf of the client(s).
Pursuant to Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the Chair shall maintain order at all meetings, and the Police Department, upon instructions of the Chair, shall expel any person from the meeting who refuses to obey the order of the Chair in relation to preserving order at the meetings. Any person who interrupts or disturbs a City Board meeting, or who willfully enters or remains in a City Board meeting having been warned by the Chair to depart and who refuses to do so, may be subject to arrest.
AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES: If you desire auxiliary aids or services or both to assist in viewing or hearing the City Board meetings or reading the agenda and minutes for the meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 954-828-5002 at a minimum of two days prior to the meeting and arrangements will be made to provide these services to you.
NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.